During the Summer of 2006 VDS ran a pilot project to identify what it takes to innovate and how to prime teams to achieve rapid progress. Rather than trying to articulate fully what VDS meant as a flageship endeavor, we encourage you to take a look at the Discover Turbo website about the initiative, replease with videos, puzzles, photographs and technical maps about the four prototype vehicles. Click on the screen shot below to go to the site to explore for yourself!

While the four rolling prototypes and leadership experience that VDS 1 affording was invaluable, we are also exceptionally pleased to welcome back a number of the pilot program's participants as team and organizational leaders for VDS 2.0 and thrilled to honor the VDS participants who have since done incredible things! In particular, we would like to thank Saphir Faid and Jeroen van Aiken for their incredible work during VDS 1 and congratulate both of them on the creation of a set of teams at GroepT in Belgium while founding AZESolutions:
